FREENY, THELMA B.,(also known as THEL-MA FREENY) -- Elai-ne Bryant, Administr-atrix, c/o Gordon M.Wase, Esquire, 123 S.Broad St., Ste. 2170,Philadelphia, PA19109; Gordon M.Wase, Attorney, Waseand Wase, 123 S.Broad St., Ste. 2170,Philadelphia, PA19109.
GAUGHAN, WILLIAMA., (also known asWILLIAM GAUGHAN)-- Mary GaughanThackray, Executrix,c/o Paul A. Coghlan,Esquire, 437 RhawnStreet, Philadelphia,PA 19111; Paul A.Coghlan, Attorney,437 Rhawn Street,Philadelphia, PA19111.
INGSTER, BERNARD-- David Marcus De-Wolf, Executor, c/oDavid R. White, Jr.,Esquire, 1735 MarketSt., Ste. 600, Philade-lphia, PA 19103; Dav-id R. White, Jr., At-torney, Fineman Kre-kstein & Harris, 1735Market St., Ste. 600,Philadelphia, PA19103.
LAWRENCE, THELMA BERNADETTE, (alsoknown as THELMA B.LAWRENCE) --Bernadette Mulligan,Executrix, c/o DavidR. White, Jr., Esquire,1735 Market St., Ste.600, Philadelphia, PA19103; David R.White, Jr., Attorney,Fineman Krekstein &Harris, 1735 MarketSt., Ste. 600, Philade-lphia, PA 19103.
RESNICK, ISA Gail,(also known as ISAG. RESNICK and ISARESNICK) -- MichaelR. Resnick, Executrix,c/o William C. Hus-sey, II, Esquire, 1650Market St., One Libe-rty Place, Ste. 1800,Philadelphia, PA19103-7395; WilliamC. HUssey, II, Attor-ney, White and Wil-liams LLP, 1650 Mar-ket St., Ste. 1800,Philadelphia, PA19103-7395.
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