City of Philadelphia
Public Hearing Notice
The Committee on Finance of the Council of the City of Philadelphia will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, March 20, 2014, at 1:00 PM, in Room 400, City Hall, to hear testimony on the following items:
130486 .... An Ordinance amending the Ordinance approved July 12, 1968, as last amended December 21, 2011, relating to pension benefits for employees working on behalf of Philadelphia Gas Works by revising the Philadelphia Gas Works Pension Plan to incorporate amendments thereto, clarify the operation thereof, and add certain provisions as required by the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
130587 .... An Ordinance amending Section 19-201 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "City Depositories," by authorizing the City Treasurer to deposit funds in U. S. Bank, under certain terms and conditions.
140072 .... An Ordinance authorizing and approving the execution and delivery of a Service Agreement between the City and the Philadelphia Municipal Authority relating to the financing of the acquisition from the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development of an approximately fifteen- acre tract of land in the City bounded by 46th Street, Market Street, Haver-ford Avenue, and 48th Street, together with the improvements thereon, and the making of certain capital improvements to such land and improvements, including the development of a new Police Department headquarters and related parking accommodations; approving the issuance by the Philadelphia Municipal Authority of bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness to finance or refinance such project; and authorizing and approving the undertaking by the City of all necessary steps to comply with such Agreement, including paying in full when due the Service Fee and other amounts payable thereunder, and covenanting to make necessary appropriations in each of the City's fiscal years to provide for the Service Fee and other amounts due thereunder; all under certain terms and conditions.
140073 .... An Ordinance authorizing The Philadelphia Municipal Authority (the "Authority"), incorporated pursuant to the Municipality Authorities Act (as amended from time to time, the "Act"), 53 Pa. C. S. Ch. 56, to undertake any project (as defined in the Act) that the Authority is specifically authorized to undertake from time to time by ordinance of the City Council and authorizing and directing the Authority to adopt and file with the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania such amendments to the Articles of Incorporation of the Authority as are necessary to implement the provisions of this Ordinance.
140099 .... An Ordinance constituting the Seventeenth Supplemental Ordinance to the Restated General Water and Wastewater Revenue Bond Ordinance of 1989, as supplemented; authorizing the Bond Committee to issue and sell one or more series or subseries of tax-exempt or taxable water and wastewater revenue bonds; authorizing agreements to provide credit enhancement or payment or liquidity sources (or any combination of the foregoing) for such Bonds; providing that such Bonds shall bear interest at fixed or variable rates; determining the sufficiency of pledged Project Revenues; authorizing the Director of Finance to take certain actions with regard to the sale of such Bonds, the investment of proceeds thereof and the City's continuing disclosure obligations with respect to such Bonds; setting forth the use of proceeds of such Bonds; covenanting the payment of interest and principal; and supplementing the Restated General Water and Wastewater Revenue Bond Ordinance of 1989.
Immediately following the public hearing, a meeting of the Committee on Finance, open to the public, will be held to consider the action to be taken on the above listed items.
Copies of the foregoing items are available in the Office of the Chief Clerk of the Council, Room 402, City Hall.
Michael A. Decker
Chief Clerk
Ref# 0003135370-01