Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell, to satisfy lien of the owner, at public sale by competitive bidding 4/25/14 at 10:00am at the Extra Space Storage facility located at 6204 Oxford Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111 215-744-1563 The personal goods stored therein by the following may include, but are not limited to general household, furniture, boxes, clothes, and appliances. A124C William Felder, B115 Michael Askew, B145 Margaret M. Ford, B212C Freddie Willie Hargrave, C210C Maria M. Nunez, D137 Sandra Colon, D139CV Sandra Pena, F123 Nekeisha Evans, V110 Shanbul Lewis. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the time of the sale. All goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of purchase. Extra Space Storage reserves the right to bid. Sale is subject to adjournment.
Ref# 0003141922-01