Notice is hereby given that the following Philadelphia attorneys have been Administratively Suspended by Order of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania dated April 3, 2014, pursuant to Rule 111(b), Pa.R.C.L.E., which requires that every active lawyer shall annually complete, during the compliance period for which he or she is assigned, the continuing legal education required by the Continuing Legal Education Board. The Order became effective May 3, 2014 for Compliance Group 2.
Holwick, Timothy Ryan
Horwitz, Nathaniel Patrick
Houldin, Ryan Anthony
Levant, Harry J.
Lord, Philip M.
Marcus, Jonathan R.
McGhie-Lee, Monica L.
Meil, Piera Chodorow
Ribble, Jack T.
Scheflen, Daniel Clark
Shah, Rupali Patel
Shaw, Marc Evan
Sieminski, Jason Richard
Spearing, William Joseph
Triano, Sean Patrick
Williams, Michael Patrick
Yaure, Christopher Henry
Suzanne E. Price
Attorney Registrar
The Disciplinary Board of the
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Ref# 0003147733-01