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COURT OF COMMON PLEAS CIVIL DIVISION PHILADELPHIA COUNTY, PA NO. 130303740 COMPLAINT IN MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE Goldman Sachs Mortgage Company, PLA-INTIFF vs. Unknown Heirs, Successors, As-signs, and All Persons, Firms or AssociationsClaiming Right, Title or Interest From or Und-er Margaret Quigley, Deceased, Unknown He-irs, Successors, Assigns, and All Persons,Firms or Associations Claiming Right, Title orInterest From or Under George Quigley, De-ceased, Doreen Martin, Known Heir of Marga-ret Quigley, Lori Papaleo, Known Heir ofMargaret Quigley, George Quigley, Last recordOwner and Margaret Quigley, Last RecordOwner, DEFENDANTS. TO: Any and All Unknown Heirs, Successors,Assigns, and All Persons, Firms or Associa-tions Claiming Right, Title or Interest From orUnder George Quigley, Deceased and Margar-et Quigley, Deceased, Defendent(s), whose lastknown addresses are 4924 Duffield St., Phila.,PA 19124 and 5041 Griscom St., Phila., PA19124. TAKE NOTICE THAT PLAINTIFF, Gold-man Sachs Mortgage Company has filed aComplaint in Mortgage Foreclosure, endorsedwith a Notice to Defend against you, in theCourt of Common Pleas, Philadelphia County,PA docketed to No. 130303740, wherein Plain-tiff seeks to foreclose on the mortgage secur-ed on your property located at 4924 DuffieldSt., Phila., PA 19124 whereupon your propertywould be sold by the Sheriff of PhiladelphiaCounty. NOTICE You have been sued in court. If you wish todefend against the claims set forth above, youmust take action within twenty (20) days afterthe Complaint and Notice are served, by en-tering a written appearance personally or byattorney and filing in writing with the courtyour defenses or objections to the claims setforth against you. You are warned that if youfail to do so the case may proceed withoutyou and a judgment may be entered againstyou by the Court without further notice forany money claimed in the Complaint or forany other claim or relief requested by thePlaintiff. You may lose money or property orother rights important to you. You should takethis paper to your lawyer at once. If you donot have a lawyer or cannot afford one, go toor telephone the office set forth below. Thisoffice can provide you with information abouthiring a lawyer. If you cannot afford to hire aLawyer, this office may be able to provide youwith information about agencies that may offerlegal services to eligible persons at a reducedfee or no fee. Philadelphia Bar Association - Lawyer ReferralService 1101 Market St., 10th Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-238-6333 Mark J. Udren, Stuart Winneg, Katherine E.Knowlton, Nicholas Gaunce & John Eric Kish-baugh, Attys. for Plaintiff Udren Law Offices, P.C. 111 Woodcrest Rd., Ste. 200 Cherry Hill NJ 08003 856-669-5400 Ref# 0003147649-01

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