Pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. § 43-104.14, Sam-uel Totaro, Attorney at Law, 2005 S. EastonRoad, Suite 100, Doylestown Commerce Cen-ter, Doylestown, PA 18901, (267) 898-0570,and Susan K. Sapp, Attorney at Law, 233 So.13th Street, Suite 1900, Lincoln, NE 68508(402) 474- 6900, do hereby provide the follow-ing notice of possible adoptive placement of aminor child: Mark Cobb, is an African Ameri-can Male, dark complexion, approximately 110pounds, and 4'11" tall. You have been identifi-ed as the biological father of a child whoseexpected date of delivery is May 12, 2014.The child was conceived with J. C. on orabout August/September, 2013, in Philadelph-ia, Pennsylvania, and the biological mother in-tends to place the child for adoption with aNebraska family shortly after the birth. If youare the biological father, you may (i) denypaternity; (ii) waive any parental rights youmay have; (iii) relinquish and consent to theadoption; or (iv) file a Notice of Objection toAdoption and Intent to Obtain Custody, pursu-ant to section 43-104.02, or object to theadoption in a proceeding before any Nebraskacourt which has adjudicated you to be thebiological father of the child prior to your re-ceipt of notice. If you wish to deny paternity,waive your parental rights, relinquish and con-sent, or receive additional information to de-termine whether you may be the father of thechild in question, you must contact SamuelTotaro at the above address or Susan Sappat the above address. If you wish to object tothe adoption and seek custody of the child,you must seek legal counsel from your ownattorney immediately. You may file a Notice ofObjection to Adoption and Intent to ObtainCustody at any time during the pregnancy andup to as late as five business days after thechild's actual date of birth or the last publica-tion of this notice, whichever is later. If youfail to do so, your right to object to the adop-tion will be extinguished.
Ref# 0003147651-01