Notice is hereby giventhat an Applicationwas made to the De-partment of State ofthe Commonwealth ofPennsylvania at Har-risburg, PA, on April14, 2014 by Broad-way Wireless CenterCorp., a foreign cor-poration formed und-er the laws of theState of New Yorkwhere its principal of-fice is located at 49W. 27th St., NewYork, NY 10001 for aCertificate of Authori-ty to do business inPennsylvania underthe provisions of thePennsylvania Business Corporation Law of 1988.
The registered officein Pennsylvania shallbe located at 5250Market St., 2nd Fl.,Phila., PA 19139.
42 Copley Rd., UpperDarby, PA 19082
Ref# 0003156160-01