MARKS, LYNNE T. --John Marks, Adminis-trator, c/o Michael J.P. Williams, Esquire,6217 Frankford Ave.,Philadelphia, PA19135; Michael J.P.Williams, Attorney,6217 Frankford Ave.,Philadelphia, PA19135.
MEE, MARY -- Steph-en J. Mee and MartinJ. Mee, Executors, c/o E. Garrett Gummer, III, Esquire, 1260 Bustleton Pike, Feast-erville, PA 19053; E. Garrett Gummer, III, Attorney Gummer Elder Law, 1260 Bustleton Pike,
Feasterville, PA 19053
PALANGE, ROSEMA-RIE -- Marilyn De-Piano, Executrix, c/oFrank C. DePasquale,Jr., Esquire, 2332-34S. Broad St., Philade-lphia, PA 19145;Frank C. DePasquale,Jr., Attorney, 2332-34S. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19145.
SCHIMMELE, ANTON-- Richard J. Embery,Executor, 300 Huntin-gdon Pike, Rock-ledge, PA 19046; Christine Embery Waltz, Attorney, Embery, Outterson & Fuges, 300 Hunting-don Pike, Rockledge, PA 19046.
SMITH, ANNAHILLGRUBE, (alsoknown as ANNA H.SMITH, ANNE H.SMITH and ANNASMITH) -- ChristopherScott D'Angelo, Ad-ministrator CTA, 123S. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19109;Christopher ScottD'Angelo, Attorney,Montgomery McCrac-ken Walkers & Rho-ads LLP, 123 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19109.
STOUT, ELOUISE --Earlene Stout, Admin-istratrix DBN, c/oMark W. Richardson,Esquire, 1518 WalnutSt., Ste. 1110, Philad-elphia, PA 19102-3406; Mark W. Richa-rdson, Attorney, 1518Walnut St., Ste. 1110,Philadelphia, PA19102-3406.
WEBER, JULIA C., (a-lso known as JULIAWEBER) -- MarvinWeber, Executor, c/o Bridget M. Whitley,Esquire, 17 S. 2ndStreet, 6th Fl., Har-risburg, PA 17101-2039; Bridget M. Whi-tley, Attorney, Skarla-tos Zonarich LLC, 17S. 2nd Street, 6th Fl.,Harrisburg, PA17101- 2039.
Ref# 0003157657-01