Invitation to Bid
SEPTA will acceptRequest for Propos-als/ Invitation to Bidin SEPTA's GeneralOffices, 1234 MarketSt., 11th Fl., Philadel-phia, PA 19107 forthe following Procure-ments. Proposal/ Bidswill be accepted untilthe time and datelisted below.
RFP 14-175-MJB - InGround Lift Replace-ment Phase 2. DBEGoal: 6%. Pre-BidMeeting: 9:30AM,Monday, July 14,2014. Bid Opening:11:00AM, Wednesday,August 20, 2014. Buy-er: Michael J. Buck.(215) 580-3739.
14-183-CMC - Capacitors for M-4 Cars. Bid Opening: 11:00AM Friday, July 25, 2014. Buyer: Carolyn Caruso, Ccaruso, (215)580-7599.
Prospective Biddersmay obtain a CDROM/ PDF copy ofthe Contract Docu-ments by submittinga written email re-quest to the ContractAdministrator for thisProject.
Ref# 0003159380-01