Notice is hereby giventhat an Applicationwas made to the De-partment of State ofthe Commonwealth ofPennsylvania at Har-risburg, PA, on July17, 2014 by MAYPOPCOLLECTIVE FORCLIMATE AND ECO-NOMIC JUSTICE, aforeign NonprofitCorporation formedunder the laws of theState of Arizona whe-re its principal officeis located at 1138 W.Royal Palm Rd., Pho-enix, AZ 85021 for aCertificate of Authori-ty to do business inPennsylvania underthe provisions of thePennsylvania Nonpro-fit Corporation Lawof 1988.
The registered officein Pennsylvania shallbe located at 4840Walton Ave., Philadel-phia, PA 19143.
Ref# 0003163866-01