SEPTA REQUEST FORPROPOSAL SEPTA will acceptRequest for Proposalsin Septa's GeneralOffices, 1234 MarketSt., 11th Fl., Philadel-phia, PA 19107 forthe following Procure-ment. RFP's will beaccepted until thetime and date listedbelow. RFP 12-165-JVL -Property Management and Leasing Services. Pre Proposal Meeting: 10:00 AM, Friday, August 23, 2013. Opening: Friday, September 27, 2013, 4:30PM Close of Business (COB). Buyer: Jim Lemon-gelli, 215-580-8330. Prospective Propos-ers may obtain a PDFcopy of the ContractDocuments by sub-mitting a written em-ail request to theContract Administra-tor for this project. Ref# 0003088876-01