Notice is hereby giv-en that pursuant tothe provisions of 15Pa.C.S. Sec.8586 ofthe PennsylvaniaBusiness CorporationLaw, 1401 WALNUTSTREET UNIT B, LLC,A Limited LiabilityCompany of the Stateof Delaware, withprincipal office at3333 New Hyde ParkRd., New Hyde Park,NY 11042 and a reg-istered office at CTCorporation System,Philadelphia County,which on July 27,2007 filed its Regis-tration with the Pen-nsylvania Departmentof State to transactbusiness in the Com-monwealth of Pen-nsylvania, intends tofile an Application forCancellation of Regis-tration - Foreign, withthe Department ofState.
Ref# 0003172294-01