Notice is hereby giv-en that pursuant tothe provisions of 15Pa.C.S. Sec.4129 ofthe PennsylvaniaBusiness CorporationLaw, VFS RESIDUALHOLDINGS, L.L.C., ALimited Liability Com-pany of the State ofDelaware, with princi-pal office at 201 Mer-ritt 7, Norwalk, CT 06851 and a registeredoffice at CT Corpora-tion System, Philadelphia County, whichon Nov. 24, 1998 fil-ed its Registrationwith the PennsylvaniaDepartment of Stateto transact businessin the Commonwealthof Pennsylvania, in-tends to file an Appli-cation for Cancellation of Registration -Foreign, with the De-partment of State.
Ref# 0003172291-01