Notice is hereby giventhat an Applicationwas made to the De-partment of State ofthe Commonwealth ofPennsylvania at Har-risburg, PA, on Sept.4, 2014 by TOW-ERVIEW HEALTH,INC., a foreign corpo-ration formed underthe laws of the Stateof Delaware where itsprincipal office is lo-cated at 2200 Benja-min Franklin Pkwy.,Apt. N1706, Philadel-phia, PA 19130 for aCertificate of Authori-ty to do business inPennsylvania underthe provisions of thePennsylvania Business Corporation Law of 1988.
The registered officein Pennsylvania shallbe located at 2200Benjamin FranklinPkwy., Apt. N1706,Philadelphia, PA19130.
200 Four Falls,
Ste. 400
West Conshohocken,PA 19428
Ref# 0003172290-01