SEPTA will acceptSealed Bids in SEP-TA's General Offices,1234 Market St., 11thFl., Philadelphia, PA19107 for the follow-ing Procurement. Bidswill be accepted untilthe time and datelisted below.
14-140-JHC - Pur-chase of Ten Structural Welding Trucks
Pre Bid Mtg: 10:00am, Tuesday, Sep-tember 30, 2014. BidOpening: 11:00 am,Tuesday, October 21,2014. Buyer: JamesCoombs, (215) 580-7190,
14-214-HAC - Margaret Orthodox Station Rehabilitation. Pre Bid Mtg: 10:00 am
Friday, October 3,2014. Bid Opening:10:00 am, Friday, No-vember 7, 2014. Buy-er: Heather Casullo,(215) 580-7421,
hcasullo@septa.orgDBE Goal: 32%.
Prospective Biddersmay obtain a PDFcopy of the ContractDocuments by sub-mitting a written em-ail request to theProcurement Officerfor this Project.
Ref# 0003172774-01