COURT OF COMMONPLEAS, PHILADELP-HIA COUNTY, PEN-NSYLVANIA, JULYTERM TERM 2013NO. 8503 Notice is hereby giv-en that the Petitionof MADISON LEIGHGREER, a minor, byher parent and natu-ral guardian, NicoleAbrams, was filed inthe above named Co-urt, praying for a De-cree to change hername to MADISONLEIGH ABRAMS. TheCourt has fixed Sept.9, 2013 at 9:00 A.M., Courtroom 2,Family Court, 34 S.11th St., Philadelphia,PA, as the time andplace for the hearingof said Petition, whenand where all personsinterested may ap-pear and show cause,if any they have, whythe prayer of the saidPetition should notbe granted. Andrew S. Kasmen Atty. for Petitioner Two Bala Plaza, Ste. 718 Bala Cynwyd, PA19004 215-517-5800 Ref# 0003089286-01