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COURT OF COMMON PLEAS CIVIL DIVISION PHILADELPHIA COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA JUNE TERM 2010 NO. 3426 Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, asTrustee f/k/a Bankers Trust Company of Calif-ornia, N.A., as Trustee of Mellon CRA Mort-gage Loan Trust 1998-A, PLAINTIFF vs Un-known Heirs, Successors, Assigns and AllPersons, Firms or Associations Claiming Right,Title or Interest from or Under or Administra-tor of LOUIS HART, Deceased,DEFENDANT(S) PURSUANT TO THE FAIR DEBT COLLECTIONPRACTICES ACT YOU ARE ADVISED THATTHIS LAW FIRM IS DEEMED TO BE A DEBTCOLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT ADEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILLBE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY TO: Unknown Heirs, Successors, Assigns andAll Persons, Firms or Associations ClaimingRight, Title or Interest from or Under or Ad-ministrator of LOUIS HART, Deceased, De-fendant(s), 174 W. Nedro Avenue, Philadelphia,PA 19120. Your house (real estate) at 174 W. NedroAvenue, Philadelphia, PA 19120 (612090500) isscheduled to be sold at Sheriff's Sale on No-vember 5, 2013 at 3801 Market Street, 3rdFl., Philadelphia, PA 19104 at 10:00 A.M. toenforce the Court Judgment of $28,505.30obtained by Deutsche Bank National TrustCompany, as Trustee f/k/a Bankers TrustCompany of California, N.A., as Trustee ofMellon CRA Mortgage Loan Trust 1998-A ,against you. NOTICE OF OWNER'S RIGHTS YOU MAY BE ABLE TO PREVENT THISSHERIFF'S SALE To prevent this Sheriff's Sale you must takeimmediate action: 1. The Sale will be cancelled if you pay backto Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, asTrustee f/k/a Bankers Trust Company of Calif-ornia, N.A., as Trustee of Mellon CRA Mort-gage Loan Trust 1998-A the amount of theJudgment plus costs or the back payments,late charges, costs and reasonable attorneysfees due. To find out how much you mustpay, you may call (610) 278-6800. 2. You may be able to stop the Sale by filinga petition asking the court to strike or openthe Judgment if the Judgment was improperlyentered. You may also ask the Court topostpone the Sale for good cause. 3. You may be able to stop the Sale throughother legal proceedings. 4. You may need an attorney to asset yourrights. The sooner you contact one, the morechance you will have of stopping the Sale.(See notice below on how to obtain anattorney.) YOU MAY STILL BE ABLE TO SAVE YOURPROPERTY AND YOU HAVE OTHER RIGHTSEVEN IF THE SHERIFF'S SALE DOES TAKEPLACE. 5. If the Sheriff's Sale is not stopped, yourproperty will be sold to the highest bidder.You may find out the price bid by calling(610)278-6800. 6. You may be able to petition the court toset aside the sale if the bid price was grosslyinadequate compared to the value of yourproperty, 7. The Sale will go through only if the buyerpays the Sheriff the full amount due in theSale. To find out if this has happened youmay call (215)686-3535. 8. If the amount due from the buyer is notpaid to the Sheriff, you will remain the ownerof the property as if the Sale never happened. 9. You have the right to remain in the proper-ty until the full amount due is paid to theSheriff and the Sheriff gives a deed to thebuyer. At that time, the buyer may bring legalproceedings to evict you. 10. You may be entitled to a share of themoney, which was paid for your house. Aschedule of distribution of the money bid foryour house will be filed by the Sheriff no laterthan thirty days after the Sheriff Sale. Thisschedule will state who will be receiving themoney. The money will be paid out in ac-cordance with this Schedule unless exceptions,(reasons why the proposed distribution iswrong) are filed with the Sheriff within ten (10)days after the date of filing of said schedule. 11. You may also have other rights and de-fenses or ways of getting your house back, ifyou act immediately after the Sale. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER TO YOURLAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ALAWYER OR CANNOT AFFORD ONE, GO TOOR TELEPHONE THE OFFICE SET FORTHBELOW TO FIND OUT WHERE YOU CAN GETLEGAL HELP. Philadelphia Bar Association 1101 Market Street, 11th Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215)238-6300 CHRISTOPHER A. DE NARDO, CAITLIN M.DONNELLY, KASSIA FIALKOFF Attorneys for Plaintiff Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC 3600 Horizon Dr., Ste. 150 King of Prussia, PA 19406 610-278-6800 Ref# 0003089745-01

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