FOREIGN WITH-DRAWAL Notice ishereby given that, pur-
suant to the provi-sions of Section 4129of the Business Cor-poration Law of 1988,AutoAlliance Manage-ment Company, acorporation of theState of Delawarewith principal officeat Ford Motor Co.,One American Rd.,Dearborn, MI 48126,and having a Com-mercial RegisteredOffice Provider andCounty of Venue asfollows: CT Corporat-on System, Philadelp-hia, which on Nov.16, 2001 was granteda Certificate of Auth-ority to transact busi-ness in the Common-wealth, intends to filean Application forTermination of Autho-rity with the Depart-ment of State.
Ref# 0003184290-01