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BARBER, ELIZABETHH. - - Rodman M.Rosenberger, Execut-or, One Summit Stre-et, Philadelphia, PA19118; Rodman M.Rosenberger, Attor-ney, Barber, Sharpe& Rosenberger, OneSummit Street, Phila-delphia, PA 19118. GLOWACKI, MICHA-EL V., (also known asMICHAEL GLOWACK-I) -- Kimberly Mych-ack, Executrix, c/oGeorge P. O'Connell,Esquire, 2444 Huntin-gdon Pike, Huntingd-on Valley, PA 19006;George P. O'Connell,Attorney, Howland,Hess, Guinan, Torpey,Cassidy & O'Connell,LLP, 2444 Huntingd-on Pike, HuntingdonValley, PA 19006. KEENAN, GLORIA M.-- Brian P. Keenanand John C. Keenan,Executors, c/o Edw-ard J. Gilson, Jr., Es-quire, 8001 RooseveltBlvd., Ste. 501B, Phil-adelphia, PA 19152;Edward J. Gilson, Jr.,Attorney, Smylie Tim-es Bldg., 8001 Roose-velt Blvd., Ste. 501B,Philadelphia, PA19152. OVODOCK, MARGA-RET F., (also knownas MARGARET OVO-DOCK) -- Robert Ov-odock, Executor,2519 Pine St., Cin-naminson, NJ 08077;Salvatore A. Paparo-ne, Jr., Attorney, 331E. Street Rd., Ste.331, Trevose, PA19053. REVAK, ANITA, (alsoknown as ANITA M.REVAK) -- Ralph Cro-ce, Executor, c/oMike Gumbel, Esq.,850 S. 2nd St., Phila-delphia, PA 19147;Mike Gumbel, Attor-ney, Bainbridge LawCenter, 850 S. 2ndSt., Philadelphia, PA19147. ROSENTHAL, MAR-TIN -- BarbaraOverholser and Mich-ael Rosenthal, Ex-ecutors, c/o EdmundL. Harvey, Jr., Esqui-re, 1835 Market St.,Phialdelphia, PA19103- 2968; EdmundL. Harvey, Jr., Attor-ney, Teeters HarveyMarrone & Kaier,LLP, 1835 Market St.,Philadelphia, PA19103-2968. ROUNTREE, REUBENK. -- Christopher Ro-untree, 10111 Ridgeli-ne Drive, MontgomeryVillage, MD 20886and Diane K. Smith,1534 Saratoga Place,Philadelphia, PA19122, Administra-tors; Amy H. Besser,1701 Walnut St., 6thFl., Philadelphia, PA19103 and Paul H.Masciantonio, 1806Callowhill St., Philad-elphia, PA 19130,Attorneys. Ref# 0003190781-01

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