Project title: Ralph Brooks Park
Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development (PAID)/Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC) on behalf of the Philadelphia Water Department (PWD)
General Description: This project consists of improvements to both stormwater and playground equipment at Ralph Brooks Park located at 20th & Tasker Streets. The proposed stormwater management features include a rain garden and an underground storage trench. A new tot lot will be installed and the existing basketball court will be repaved.
BID DUE DATE: 4:00 p.m. Friday, January 30, 2015 Deliver bids to PIDC, 1500 Market St. Ste 2600 W Philadelphia, PA 19102.
PRE-BID CONFERENCE ON SITE: 10:00 a.m. Monday, January 12, 2015 at the intersection of 20th & Tasker Streets, Philadelphia PA 19145.
Bid package available at: http://www.pidcphila. com/tools/contract-opportunities
Drawings and Specs can be obtained at:
ARC Document Solutions
1216 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA
(215) 563-7600
Ref# 0003191737-01