City of Philadelphia
City Council Notice
Of Bills and Resolutions reported from Committees of the Council of the City of Philadelphia on Thursday, January 29, 2015:
140904 .... An Ordinance amending various sections of Title 9, entitled "Regulation of Businesses, Trades and Professions," and Title 10, entitled "Regulation of Individual Conduct and Activity," of The Philadelphia Code, to provide for suspension of their effectiveness pending State authorizing legislation; and amending Section 10-819, entitled "State of Emergency," to delete certain language; all under certain terms and conditions.
150001 .... An Ordinance amending Chapter 17-2100 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Conflicts Counsel Contracts," by requiring that certain City contracts dealing with the provision of services for indigent legal defense may only be made when permitted by ordinance where the contractor is the Defender Association of Philadelphia, the Support Center for Child Advocates, or Community Legal Services; all under certain terms and conditions.
141028 .... An Ordinance amending subsection 19-2604(6) of The Philadelphia Code, under which businesses that enter into agreements to make contributions to community development corporations and certain other organizations receive credits against business income and receipts taxes, by changing the annual contribution amount required to receive the credit and the annual amount of the credit, all under certain terms and conditions.
140984 .... Resolution approving the appointment of Nancy Winkler to the Philadelphia Water, Sewer and Storm Water Rate Board.
140985 .... Resolution approving the appointment of Bernard Brunwasser to the Philadelphia
Water, Sewer and Storm Water Rate Board.
140986 .... Resolution approving the appointment of Sonny Popowsky to the Philadelphia Water, Sewer and Storm Water Rate Board.
140987 .... Resolution approving the appointment of Lee Huang to the Philadelphia Water, Sewer and Storm Water Rate Board.
140988 .... Resolution approving the appointment of Mike Chapman to the Philadelphia Water, Sewer and Storm Water Rate Board.
150016 .... Resolution approving the appointment of Amy L. Kurland to be a member of the
Philadelphia Housing Authority.
Michael Decker
Chief Clerk
Ref# 0003196924-01