NONPROFITCORPORATION NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN THAT on July10, 2013, Articles ofIncorporation were fil-ed with the Depart-ment of State of theCommonwealth ofPennsylvania at Har-risburg, Pennsylvaniafor the purpose ofobtaining a charter ofa nonprofit corpora-tion organized underthe Nonprofit Corpo-ration Law of theCommonwealth ofPennsylvania. Thename of the corpora-tion is: The HistoricSt. George's Pre-servation Society,with a registered ad-dress of 235 N. 4thStreet, Phila., PA19106. The purposeof the corporation isexclusively for charit-able and educationalpurposes within themeaning of Section501(c)(3) of the In-ternal Revenue Codeof 1986. MORGAN, LEWIS &BOCKIUS LLP,Solicitors 1701 Market Street Philadelphia, PA19103 Ref# 0003092355-01