Notice is hereby giv-en that Articles of In-corporation havebeen filed with theDepartment of Stateof the Commonwealthof Pennsylvania, atHarrisburg, PA, onFeb. 4, 2015, for thepurpose of obtaininga charter of a Nonpr-ofit Corporation orga-nized under the Non-profit CorporationLaw of 1988 of theCommonwealth ofPennsylvania. Thename of the corpora-tion is: WOMEN OFTOMORROW MENT-OR & SCHOLARSHIPPROGRAM, GREAT-ER PHILADELPHIA,INC. The corporationis organized and op-erated exclusively forcharitable and educa-tional purposes withinthe meaning of Sec-tion 501(c)(3) of theInternal RevenueCode of 1986, asamended.
ARCHER & GREINERP.C., Solicitors
One Liberty Place,32nd Fl.
Phila., PA 19103
Ref# 0003200741-01