Notice is hereby giventhat the Board ofSurveyors has fixedupon Monday, Sep-tember 16, 2013 at2:00 P.M. in Confer-ence Room 'B', Sixte-enth Floor, MunicipalServices Building,1401 John F. Ken-nedy Boulevard, for ahearing to acquaintall interested partiesof the facts in theconfirmation of thefollowing plan:
NO. 307 - Revisingthe lines and gradeson a portion of CITYPLAN NO. 307 bystriking from the CityPlan and vacatingWater Street fromRace Street to its te-rminus southwardlytherefrom and placingon the City Plan aright-of-way for vari-ous utility purposeswithin the lines ofWater Street beingstricken.
The above plan maybe examined at theoffice of the SecondSurvey District, locat-ed at the S.W. Cor-ner of 11th Street &Wharton Street or atthe City Plans Unit,Bureau of Surveysand Design, Room880, Municipal Ser-vices Building, 1401John F. Kennedy Bo-ulevard.
Chief Engineer &Surveyor
Ref# 0003092904-01