KRAMER, JOSEF B.(a/k/a JOSEPHKRAMER) - KatharinaKramer, Executrix, c/o Stewart J. Berger,Esq., 7207 Rising SunAve., Philadelphia, PA19111-3983; StewartJ. Berger, Atty., Stewart J. Berger, P.C.,7207 Rising Sun Ave.,Philadelphia, PA19111-3983
HOWLAND, HELEN E.(a/k/a HELEN HOWL-AND) - John R. How-land and Thomas S.Howland, Jr., Execut-ors, 2444 HuntingdonPike, Huntingdon Val-ley, PA 19006; Thom-as M. Guinan, Atty.,Howland, Hess, Guin-an, Torpey, Cassidy &O'Connell, LLP, 2444Huntingdon Pike, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
MILLER, LEON - Phyl-lis Sharp, Executrix,c/o Joseph Stram-pello, Esq., 1919 Chestnut St., Ste. 103, Philadelphia, PA 19103; Joseph Stram-pello, Atty., Ocks Barsky & Strampello, 1919 Chestnut St., Ste. 103, Philadelphia, PA 19103
OLESZCZYK, MARGARET M. (a/k/a MA-RGARET MARY OLE-SZCZYK and MARGARET OLESZCZYK) - Kathleen A. Gorey,Administratrix, 806Moyer St., Philadelphia, PA 19125; Arlene Glenn Simolike, Atty., 9223 Frankford Ave., Philadelphia, PA19114
Ref# 0003202873-01