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Land (Title Proceedings) Act, 2011 Form 3 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DECLARATION OF OWNERSHIP AND CERTIFICATE OF TITLE IN RESPECT OF ALL THAT land situate at Retreat in the parish of Saint Peter containing by admeasurement 1,171.5 square metres on a plan certified on the 18th day of February 2004 by F.H. Godson, Land Surveyor. SUPREME COURT OF BARBADOS IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE CLAIM NO. LTP 1/2014 IN THE MATTER OF THE LAND (TITLE PROCEEDINGS) Act, 2011 (section 3); AND IN THE MATTER OF ALL THAT certain parcel of land situate at Retreat in the parish of St. Peter in the island of Barbados formerly thought to contain by admeasurement 37 perches but found by a survey made on the 18th February, 2004 by F.H. Godson, Land Surveyor, to contain 1171.5 square metres or thereabout (of which area 4007 square metres are contained in verge and 218.4 square metres are contained in carriageway) abutting and bounding towards the North of lands formerly of Victoreen Scantlebury but now of the late Earla E. Hinds towards the East on lands formerly of Fitzgerald Scantlebury but now or late of Victoreen Scantlebury towards the South on the Public Road and towards the West of a road in common or however else the same may abut or abound. TAKE NOTICE that Evadney Burnett of 103 Dawes Street, Springfield in the State of Massachusetts in the United States of America has applied to the High Court for a declaration of ownership and a certificate of the title in respect of the property described above: Any person having any adverse claim, lien or charge or right or interest against the said property should submit the claim duly authenticated on oath to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, Whitepark Road in the City of Bridgetown in the Island of Barbados on or before the 22nd day of June, 2015. Any other person who has any information relating to the ownership of the said property is invited to give such information in writing to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, Whitepark Road in the City of Bridgetown in the Island of Barbados on or before the 22nd day of June, 2015. Dated the 15th day of April, 2015 Peter Evelyn & Co. "Heritage House", Pinfold Street, Bridgetown. Ref# 0003208861-01

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