To: Ann McCants
1422 S. 21st St., Phila, Pa. 19146 her heirs, and all persons interested in her estate or having any knowledge of her whereabouts: Notice is hereby given that Patricia McCants has petitioned the Orphans' Court Div. of the Court of Common Pleas of Phila to enter a Decree finding that Ann McCants died on or about 8/7/92, and authorizing the Register of Wills of Phila to issue Letters of Testamentary thereon. The Court will hear testimony and evidence concerning the presumed death of Ann McCants at 9:30am, on 4/29/15 in Rm. 414 in City Hall, Phila, Pa. All persons who have any knowledge of Ann McCants are asked to attend the Court hearing or to contact the undersigned at once.
Patricia McCants
Ref# 0003211989-01