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COURT OF COMMON PLEAS PHILADELPHIA COUNTY, PA CIVIL ACTION - LAW No. 130803003 AMENDED COMPLAINT IN MORTGAGEFORECLOSURE Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, asTrustee for Ameriquest Mortgage SecuritiesInc., Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates,series 2005-R10, c/o Ocwen Loan Servicing,LLC Plaintiff vs. The Estate of Gloria A.Nesbitt, c/o Charles Nesbitt a/k/a CharlesNiesbitt, Administrator, Charles Nesbitt, a/k/aCharles Niesbitt, Individually and as Adminis-trator of the Estate of Gloria A. Nesbitt,Chareef Nesbitt, Known Heir of Gloria A.Nesbitt, Shanell Jones, Known Heir of GloriaA. Nesbitt, Taisha Scott, Known Heir of GloriaA. Nesbitt and Unknown Heirs, SuccessorsAssigns and All Persons, Firms or Associa-tions Claiming Right, Title or Interest From orUnder Gloria A. Nesbittt, Defendant(s). TO: Unknown Heirs, Successors, Assigns andAll Persons, Firms or Associations ClaimingRight, Title or Interest From or Under GloriaA. Nesbitt Defendant(s), whose last known ad-dress is 989 N. 66th Street, Philadelphia, PA19151. Take Notice That Plaintiff,DeutscheBank National Trust Company, as Trustee forAmeriquest Mortgage Securities Inc., Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates, series2005-R10, c/o Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC hasfiled an Amended Complaint in MortgageForeclosure endorsed with a Notice to Defendin the Court of Common Pleas, PhiladelphiaCounty, docketed to No. 130803003 whereinPlaintiff seeks to foreclose on the mortgagesecured on your property located at 989 N.66th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19151 whereup-on your property would be sold by the Sheriffof Philadelphia County. You have been sued incourt. If you wish to defend against the claimsset forth in the Complaint, you must enter awritten appearance personally or by an attor-ney and file your defenses or objections inwriting with the Court. You are warned that ifyou fail to do so within twenty (20) days ofthis Publication, the case may proceed withoutyou and a judgment may be entered againstyou for the relief requested in the Complaintby the plaintiff. You may lose money or prop-erty or other rights important to you. YOUSHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER TO YOURLAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ALAWYER, GO TO OR TELEPHONE THE OF-FICE SET FORTH BELOW. THIS OFFICE CANPROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION ABOUTHIRING A LAWYER. IF YOU CANNOT AF-FORD TO HIRE A LAWYER, THIS OFFICEMAY BE ABLE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH IN-FORMATION ABOUT AGENCIES THAT MAYOFFER LEGAL SERVICES TO ELIGIBLE PER-SONS AT A REDUCED FEE OR NO FEE. Philadelphia Bar Association 1101 Market St., 10th Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 238-6333 Udren Law Offices, P.C. Attys. for Plaintiff 111 Woodcrest Rd., Ste. 200 Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 856-669-5400 pleadings@udren.com Ref# 0003212586-01

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