NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN THAT on July10, 2013, Articles ofIncorporation were fil-ed with the Depart-ment of State of theCommonwealth ofPennsylvania at Har-risburg, Pennsylvaniafor the purpose ofobtaining a charter ofa nonprofit corpora-tion organized underthe Nonprofit Corpo-ration Law of theCommonwealth ofPennsylvania. Thename of the corpora-tion is: INQUIRYSCHOOLS INC, witha registered addressof 2328 Aspen St.,Phila., PA 19130. Thepurpose of the corpo-ration is to createand support inquiry-driven, project-basedschools with a focuson using moderntools. Notice is furth-er given that on Aug.28, 2013, the Corpo-ration filed Articles ofAmendment.
30 S. 17th Street
Phila., PA 19103
Ref# 0003096435-01