FOREIGN WITH-DRAWAL Notice ishereby given that, pu-rsuant to the provi-sions of Section 4129of the Business Cor-poration Law of 1988,CONCOURSE REAL-TY MANAGEMENT,INC., a corporation ofthe State of Marylandwith principal officeat 3333 New HydePark Rd., New HydePark, NY 11042, andhaving a CommercialRegistered OfficeProvider and Countyof Venue as follows:CT Corporation Sys-tem, Philadelphia ,which on June 23,1998 was granted aCertificate of Authori-ty to transact busi-ness in the Common-wealth, intends to filean Application forTermination of Autho-rity with the Depart-ment of State.
Ref# 0003097567-01