Notice is hereby giventhat Articles of In-corporation havebeen filed with theDepartment of Stateof the Commonwealthof Pennsylvania, atHarrisburg, PA onApril 26, 2013 for thepurpose of obtaininga charter of a Nonpr-ofit Corporation orga-nized under the Non-profit CorporationLaw of 1988 of theCommonwealth ofPennsylvania. Thename of the corpora-tion is MENTALHEALTH OF DIABET-ES FOUNDATION.The corporation is or-ganized exclusivelyfor charitable,pur-poses within themeaning of Sec.501(c)(3) of the In-ternal Revenue Code.
Notice is further giventhat on May 21,2013, Articles ofAmendment were fil-ed changing thename to MENTALHEALTH ISSUES OFDIABETESFOUNDATION.
COZEN O'CONNOR,P.C., Solicitors
1900 Market St., Phi-la., PA 19103
Ref# 0003081587-01