Notice is hereby giv-en that, pursuant tothe provisions of Sec-tion 4129 of the Busi-ness Corporation Lawof 1988, REAL ES-TATE VENTURES(GLEN EAGLE), INC.,a corporation of theState of Delawarewith principal officeat 2 Folsom St., SanFrancisco, CA 94105,and having a Com-mercial RegisteredOffice Provider andCounty of Venue asfollows: CT Corpora-tion System, Philadel-phia County, whichon Nov. 19,1992 wasgranted a Certificateof Authority to trans-act business in theCommonwealth, in-tends to file an Appli-cation for Terminationof Authority with theDepartment of State.
Ref# 0003123670-01