NO. 111203784
U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee forthe registered holders of Credit SuisseSeasoned Loan Trust 2006-1, Home EquityPass-Through Certificates, Series 2006-1, PLA-INTIFF vs. Dana Myers, David Myers, David C.Myers and Patricia Myers, DEFENDANTS
TO: Unknown Heirs, Successors, Assigns andAll Persons, Firms or Associations ClaimingRight, Title or Interest from or Under DavidMyers, Last Record Owner, Defendant(s), 6215Washington Ave., Phila., PA 19143.
Your house (real estate) at 6215 WashingtonAve., Phila., PA 19143 is scheduled to be soldat the Sheriff''s Sale on March 4, 2014 at10:00 a.m. at the First District Plaza, 3801Market St., Phila., PA 19104 to enforce theCourt Judgment of $49,638.24, obtained byPlaintiff above (the mortgagee) against you. Ifthe Sale is postponed, the property will be re-listed for the Next Available Sale.
All that certain lot or piece of ground with thebuildings and improvements thereon erected.
Situate on the North side of Washington Ave.,at the distance of 145 feet westward from thewest side of 62nd st., in the 3rd Ward of theCity of Philadelphia.
Containing in front or breadth on said Wash-ington Ave., 21 feet and extending of thatwidth in length or depth northward betweenparallel lines at rightangles to the said Wash-ington Ave., 102 feet 6 inches including on therear thereof 10 feet of soil of a certain 15 feetwide driveway extending from the said 62ndSt. to Cobbs Creek Parkway.
Being #6215 Washington Avenue.
Together with the free and common use, right,liberty and privilege of the aforesaid drivewayin common with the owners and occupiers ofthe other lots of ground bounding thereon.
Being Known As: 6215 Washington Avenue,Philadelphia, PA 19143
Property ID No.: 033111500
Title to said premises is vested in Patricia My-ers and with David C. Myers and with DanaMyers (Together) by deed from David Myersdated 03/04/2006, Recorded 03/30/2006 indeed book instrument number: 51408886.
Udren Law Offices, P.C.
Attys. for Plaintiff
111 Woodcrest Rd., Ste. 200
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
Ref# 0003123668-01