Newspaper Notice of an Intent
to Remediate to an Environmental Standard.
(Sections 302(e)(1)(ii), 303(h)(1)(ii),
304(n)(1)(i), and 305(c)(1))
Pursuant to the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act, the act of May 19, 1995, P.L. 4, No. 1995-2., notice is hereby given that Philadelphia Parks and Recreation has submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection a Notice of Intent to Remediate a site located at 49th Street and Botanic Avenue (referred to as Bartram's Trail-North). This Notice of Intent to Remediate states that the site is a portion of the former National Heat and Power Site, which was a bulk petroleum storage facility. The site has been found to be contaminated with certain metals and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which have impacted soils on the site. A Remedial Investigation Report/Risk Assessment Report for Soil has been submitted to PADEP that demonstrates attainment of the site-specific standard. The results of the assessment also indicate that no further controls, such as remediation or mitigation measures, are required. The proposed future use of the property is planned to be for recreational use as a multi-use trail.
The Act provides for a 30-day public comment period for site-specific standard remediations. The 30-day comment period is initiated with the publication of this notice. During this period, the City of Philadelphia may submit a request to Philadelphia Parks and Recreation to be involved in the development of the remediation and reuse plans for the site. The City of Philadelphia may also submit a request to Philadelphia Parks and Recreation during this 30-day comment period to develop and implement a public involvement plan. Copies of these requests and of any comments should also be submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection at 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19404, care of J. Michael Penzone, P.G.
Ref# 0003123541-01