Application of Epiq Energy, LLC For Approval to Offer, Render, Furnish Or Supply Electricity or Electric Generation Services As A Supplier Engaged In the Business of Supplying Electricity, To The Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania.
Epiq Energy, LLC will be filing an application with the Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission ("PUC") for a license to supply electricity or electric generation services as a Broker/Marketer engaged in the business of supplying electricity. Epiq Energy proposes to sell electricity and related services throughout the entire Commonwealth of Pennsylvania under the provision of the new Electricity Generation Customer Choice and Competition Act. The PUC may consider this application without a hearing. Protests to the technical or financial fitness of Epiq Energy may be filed within 15 days of this notice with the Secretary of the PUC, PO Box 3265, Harrisburg PA 17105-3265. You should send copies of any protest to Epiq Energy at the Address listed below.
By and Through: Sean P. Morrisey
Epiq Energy, LLC 2720 N. Stemmons Fwy. Ste 900, Dallas TX 75207
T: 972-924-5642 F: 214-637-2784
Ref# 0003124144-01