The City of Camden Redevelopment Agency
Annual Schedule of Regular and
Caucus Meetings 2014
Please take notice that the Board of Commissioners of the City of Camden Redevelopment Agency ("CRA"), in the County of Camden and State of New Jersey, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 10:4-18 of the Open Public Meeting Act, has selected the following dates for its regularly scheduled and caucus meetings for 2014 and such meetings will be held on these dates:
Regular Meetings
Wed., Feb. 12, 2014 Wed., Aug. 13, 2014
Wed., March 12, 2014 Wed., Sept. 10, 2014
Wed., Apr. 9, 2014 Wed., Oct. 8, 2014
Wed., May 14, 2014 Wed., Nov. 12, 2014
Wed., June 11, 2014 Wed., Dec. 10, 2014
Wed., July 16, 2014
Caucus Meetings
Thurs., Feb. 6, 2014 Thurs., Aug. 7, 2014
Thurs., Mar. 6, 2014 Thurs., Sept. 4, 2014
Thurs., April 3, 2014 Thurs., Oct. 2, 2014
Thurs., May 8, 2014 Thurs., Nov. 6, 2014
Thurs., June 5, 2014 Thurs., Dec. 4, 2014
Thurs., July 10, 2014
Formal action may be taken at each regular meeting and at each caucus meeting set forth in the above schedules. All regular meetings and all caucus meetings shall convene at 6:00 p.m. at Camden City Hall, 520 Market Street, Camden, NJ 08101.
Ref# 0003121888-01