Notice is hereby given that separate, sealed proposals (bid/rfp/rfq) will be received by the Sussex County Proposal Committee on Thursday, February 27, 2014 at 11:00 A.M. prevailing time in the Sussex County Administrative Center, First Floor Meeting Room, One Spring Street, Newton, New Jersey 07860 at which time and place proposals (bid/rfp/rfq) will be opened and read in public according to law for
1. Advertising on Sussex County Skyland
RideTransportation Vehicles
2. 911 Capable Call Taking Equipment and
Proposals (bid/rfp/rfq) must be submitted on the standard specification and proposal forms issued by the County. Copies of said form will be distributed from the Purchasing Office, One Spring Street, Newton, NJ 07860. The Purchasing Office will ship said forms to prospective vendors providing a courier service billing account number for shipment.
Each bid (if required) shall be accompanied by a proposal guarantee in the form of a certified check, cashier's check, or bid bond payable to the County Treasurer of Sussex County, for not less than 10% of the amount bid, but not in excess of $ 20,000.00 this security to be held by the county as a guarantee that in the event a contract is awarded to the bidder, he will enter into a written contract, and in default thereof, said check or bond and the amount represented thereby will be forfeited to the County as liquidated damages.
The bid (if required) must also be accompanied by a certificate of surety from a surety company, duly authorized to do business in the State of New Jersey agreeing to furnish a performance bond if the bidder is awarded the contract.
Proposals (bid/rfp/rfq) and all items required by the specifications must be enclosed in a sealed envelope/box bearing the name and address of the vendor and the proposal title being submitted.
Proposals (bid/rfp/rfq) may be hand delivered to the Sussex County Administrative Center at One Spring Street or mailed to the Sussex County Bid Proposal Committee, Sussex County Administrative Center, One Spring Street, Newton, New Jersey 07860 on or before the hour specified.
Proposers are required to comply with the requirements of P.L. 1975, Chapter 127.{NJAC 17:27}; N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq.; and P.L. 1977, Chapter 33.
Pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, P.L. 1975, this advertisement shall serve as notice of a public meeting to be held at the time and place stated above.
The County of Sussex reserves the right to reject any and all proposals (bid/rfp/rfq) and to waive any minor irregularities or informalities in the proposals (bid/rfp/rfq) received and to accept the proposal or proposals which in their judgment and as permitted by law will best serve the interest of the County of Sussex.
Ref# 0003128077-01