FOREIGN WITH-DRAWAL Notice ishereby given that, pu-rsuant to the provi-sions of Section 4129of the Business Cor-poration Law of 1988,Jacobs Civil Inc., acorporation of theState of Missouri withprincipal office at1111 S. ArroyoParkway, Pasadena,CA 91105, and havinga Commercial Regis-tered Office Providerand County of Venueas follows: CT Corpo-ration System, Philad-elphia, which on Jan.15, 1993 was granteda Certificate of Auth-ority to transact busi-ness in the Common-wealth, intends to filean Application forTermination of Autho-rity with the Depart-ment of State.
Ref# 0003162661-01