FOREIGN WITH-DRAWAL Notice ishereby given that, pu-rsuant to the provi-sions of Section 4129of the Business Cor-poration Law of 1988,SEMCO Georgia Con-struction company, acorporation of theState of Georgia, withprincipal office at1411 3rd St., Ste A,Attn. Legal Dept.,Port Huron, MI48060, and having aCommercial Regis-tered Office Providerand County of Venueas follows: CT Corpo-ration System, Philad-elphia, which onMarch 8, 1993 wasgranted a Certificateof Authority to trans-act business in theCommonwealth, in-tends to file an Appli-cation for Terminationof Authority with theDepartment of State.
Ref# 0003188286-01