Notice is hereby giventhat Articles of In-corporation havebeen filed with theDepartment of Stateof the Commonwealthof Pennsylvania, atHarrisburg, PA onNov. 12, 2014 for thepurpose of obtaininga charter of a Nonpr-ofit Corporation orga-nized under the Non-profit CorporationLaw of 1988 of theCommonwealth ofPennsylvania. Thename of the corpora-tion is Global Leader-ship academy Interna-tional Charter School.The corporation is or-ganized exclusively toengage in any activityfor which a nonprofitcorporation may beincorporated underthe Law, including,but not limited to,operating a charterschool.
1650 Market St.,
46th Fl.
Philadelphia, PA
Ref# 0003188287-01