NJ TRANSIT administers the Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) Section 5310 Grant Program in the State of New Jersey. The intent of this program is to improve mobility for seniors and people with disabilities by providing financial support, through programs planned, designed, and carried out to meet the transportation needs of these populations. Funding is available for operating transportation projects, mobility management projects and capital projects.
Be advised that there is a monetary match requirement for all FTA projects. Subrecipients applying for operating projects must provide a 50% match, mobility management projects require a 20% match and depending upon funding availability capital projects may require a 20% match.
NJ TRANSIT is now accepting applications from organizations who wish to apply. It is the intention of NJ TRANSIT to submit a statewide grant application to the federal government in the fall of 2014. In order to be selected, your organization must be an active participant in the Coordinated Human Services Transportation Planning process. Information on this process is contained in the application.
It is a competitive grant process. If an application is selected for inclusion in the statewide grant and the FTA approves the grant then NJ TRANSIT enters into an agreement with the approved applicants for the purposes detailed in your application.
NJ TRANSIT encourages minority based organizations to apply under the Section 5310 Program.
To complete a grant application all organizations must go to:
For more information, please visit There you will find the application cover letter and the program's State Management Plan which describes the purpose of the grant program and NJ TRANSIT'S management of the program. NJ TRANSIT is also inviting the public to review the current State Management Plan revised for this year's program and welcomes your comments.
If you have any questions, call (973) 491-8397 or email us at GRANT5310@NJTRANSIT.COM.
The closing date to return applications to NJ TRANSIT is Friday, March 14, 2014.
Ref# 0003127494-01